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5 must play games on Steam

  • January 01, 2024
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  • 5 must play games on Steam

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5 Must Play Games On Steam - January 2024

In a world where virtual realms offer unparalleled experiences, gaming aficionados are constantly on the lookout for thrilling new titles and, of course, the means to access them. At the heart of this digital realm lies Steam, a treasure trove of games and content, ready to transport you to far-off lands, test your strategic prowess, or immerse you in captivating narratives. However, navigating this vast gaming universe can sometimes be daunting. That's where Steam Gift Cards come to the rescue, serving as your passport to adventure and endless entertainment. In this blog, we present five handpicked games that you can experience with the help of Steam Gift Cards, making every gaming journey an unforgettable one. 

Crusader Kings 3 

While many strategy games focus on conquering territories and ascending to power, Crusader Kings III introduces a distinct social dimension centered on the resilience of your character. Here, diplomacy transforms into a captivating drama, where you'll relish sharing anecdotes of your empire's and family's evolution, often marked by unexpected twists. In the vein of life in medieval times, Crusader Kings III mirrors the constant interplay of warfare, intrigue, and political maneuvering that defined the nobility's existence. Even as you craft your own alternate historical narrative with a touch of whimsy, the game's remarkable depth in simulation remains a testament to its immersive portrayal of a bygone era.  

Final Fantasy 14 

Final Fantasy 14 redefines the MMO genre for those who may not typically gravitate toward it. This incredible game, once burdened by repetitive fetch quests, has transformed into a captivating online adventure celebrated primarily for its immersive storytelling. What sweetens the deal is the ability to explore a significant portion of the game at no cost until you decide to opt for a monthly subscription. 

While you may have to endure the less engaging early stages of Final Fantasy 14, the journey is undeniably rewarding. Furthermore, if you choose to join forces with other players, you'll become a part of a vast and welcoming community. Amidst the current offerings within the Final Fantasy series, this iteration unquestionably takes the crown. If you're a fan of expansive RPG worlds brimming with fantasy, akin to the spirit of Final Fantasy 12, your search ends here – this is the ultimate choice at your disposal.  

Dishonored 2  

When discussions turn to the freedom of gameplay choices, Dishonored 2 consistently tops the list. Whether embodying the assassin Corvo or the enigmatic Emily Attano, players navigate the city of Karnaca, unraveling the mystery behind a hidden killer. Dishonored isn't solely a masterstroke in stealth but also excels at providing compelling incentives for non-violent approaches, all while ensuring that moments of peril keep you on your toes, making a steadfast adherence to a single playstyle a challenging endeavor. 

Dishonored's reputation for its intricate level design is well-earned, granting players a myriad of diverse strategies to employ. Executing a particularly audacious maneuver becomes an exhilarating experience in it's own right.


Into the Breach 

Imagine a game akin to chess, but instead of knights and bishops, you deploy rocket launchers and mechs. Well, it's not precisely chess, but the rules of Into the Breach are elegantly simple. The alien adversaries, often resembling colossal insects, unfailingly reveal their next move – be it a one-square shift, an assault on a skyscraper, or a toxic bile attack. Your mission is to strategically slot the puzzle pieces into place, devising a plan to eliminate as many of them as possible in a single turn. 

You'll assume command of one of eight mech squads, progressively unlocking them, each boasting its unique specialization. The Blitzkrieg excels in lightning warfare, the Frozen Titans harness the power of ice, and the Steel Judoka rely on raw physical might. Your trio of units each possesses distinct skills, necessitating your astute adaptation to the given situation. For instance, as the Blitzkrieg, you may manipulate your Hook Mech to align enemies and then unleash your Lightning Mech to deliver a devastating electric surge through the entire line. The allure of randomized levels and the prospect of upgrading your units consistently beckon players for just one more round of thrilling gameplay.

Red Dead Redemption 2 

For most genres, you have multiple games to choose from, but when it comes to spending time in the Wild West, the buck stops at Red Dead Redemption 2. This game encompasses every facet of what you thought being a cowboy would be like – senseless mass carnage, muck around at a saloon, enjoy the quiet of nature – and connect to those who have it hard out in the West. On the technical front, it’s beautiful and detailed, the performances are top-notch, and, like with almost every one of the best open-world games, you will frequently turn away on the road to your next objective, simply because you happened across an interesting encounter first. 


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