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5 Essential Tips for Improving Your Skills at Valorant

  • January 01, 2023
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  • 5 Essential Tips for Improving Your Skills at Valorant

5 Essential Tips for Improving Your Skills at Valorant


Valorant has been one of the most popular games worldwide since its release on June 2, 2020. As the player base continues to grow, many players struggle to achieve victory in the game. If you're one of them, don't worry - you're in the right place.


In this guide, we'll go over several tips and tricks that can help you overcome your weaknesses and become a better player in Valorant. So, if you're looking to improve your skills, keep reading until the end.


Practice, Practice Practice


This tip may seem obvious, but it is the most important factor in improving your Valorant skills: practice. The Valorant practice mode is the perfect place to do this. In the practice mode, you can select any operator you like and test out their abilities, get used to the movement, and even compete against AI opponents. While the experience may not be the same as playing against real players, it will still be worth it to hone your skills.


Many players overlook the practice mode and instead keep playing the battle royale, trying to figure out what they are lacking. However, this is not the most effective approach. If you get knocked out by enemies every time you try to improve, how can you get better? The best approach is to play in the practice mode as much as possible to fully develop your skills.


Set a Goal and Create Plans to Achieve it


Setting goals and making plans to achieve them is crucial for improving your skills in Valorant. Your goal can be anything you want, such as moving up one rank or continuously ranking up until you reach the Radiant rank. It doesn't matter if your goal is small or big, as long as it is realistic and achievable with effort and planning.


For example, if you are currently a Bronze rank player and want to reach the Radiant rank, it may not be easy. But if you set a time limit to achieve this, it will be more manageable. Goals can feel intimidating because they are so far away, so it's best to create smaller, more manageable goals and work on them to achieve your objective more quickly.


For instance, if you plan to increase your rank by one level per month for the next two months, you will reach the Gold level with four months remaining on your schedule. You can also anticipate moving up in the following two months. In this way, you will have two full months to advance from Platinum to Diamond rank. By setting smaller goals and working towards them consistently, you can reach your overall objective more efficiently.


Record Your Gameplay


If you're not sure what your weaknesses are in Valorant, or you can't figure them out on your own, a VOD review can be very helpful. VOD stands for video on demand, and in gaming, it means recording your gameplay so you can watch it later. This will allow you to identify your weaknesses and see where you went wrong.


It may take some effort and time to do a VOD review, but if you want to improve at Valorant, it's worth it. VOD evaluations, particularly for Valorant, can be a crucial component of progress. You may have noticed that all the top players and coaches have VOD review sessions if you follow professional Valorant athletes. They discuss their performance, identify their weaknesses, and come up with fresh strategies.


So, you should also record your gameplay regularly and watch it until you figure out what you're doing wrong. But don't stop there - even if you have identified your weaknesses and improved, the VOD review can still be useful. Continue to watch and analyze your gameplay to see how you can further improve.


Adjust Your Settings


Adjusting your settings is another important step if you want to become a better player in Valorant. For example, having a good gaming mouse and a low-friction mouse pad can improve your gameplay. You may also adjust the crosshair's position to suit your preferences. To make the crosshair more noticeable and precise for you, you can change its color, thickness, offset, and length. You can experiment with different settings in the practice mode to see what works best for you.


In addition, you can also adjust your graphics settings to get better FPS (frames per second). This can help to make the game run more smoothly and reduce lag, which can be especially important in fast-paced games like Valorant. By taking the time to optimize your settings, you can improve your gameplay and increase your chances of victory.


Stick To One Agent


Perfecting one Agent rather than being merely competent at several is another crucial factor in improving at Valorant. Even if you are terrible at an Agent, you can choose one and keep honing your callouts, lineups, abilities, and ultimate. Keep on practicing with your favorite agent until you master it.


One advantage of sticking with a single agent is that you will become familiar with that character's abilities and playstyle. This can make it easier to predict enemy movements and make quick, decisive decisions in the heat of battle.


On the other hand, you may want to try experimenting with different characters to give you a broader understanding of the game and to help you develop a more well-rounded skill set. Ultimately, the best approach will depend on your personal preferences and goals. However, if you want to become a highly skilled specialist with a single agent, then sticking with that character may be the best option.


Treat a Friend (Or Enemy) To a Round of Valorant


While many players struggle to improve their skills in Valorant, there’s no need to get frustrated. Remember that practice is key. Set realistic goals and work towards them consistently with regular practice and you’ll see your gameplay improve fast.


And don’t forget to have fun! We have a wide range of Valorant Gift Cards so you can customize your weapons or try out new agents. All our gift card codes come with instant online delivery, so you can use them straight away. They’re also perfect for sending to a friend (or enemy).

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